Emerging Best Practice for Growing Faith in Households, Schools & Churches
Growing Faith: Connections
The PRoject
to catalyse a culture change in the approaches taken by the church of england…
…to see a multiplication of confidently expressed growing faith in the households of chilDren, young people and families
The Context: Three Spaces
6.7 million households in England with children
4632 Church of England Schools in England
12,500 Parishes in the Church of England
Four Connections
Young VOICES at the centre of delivery and decision making rather than children, young people and families as relatively passive recipients of centrally- provided programme
Building RELATIONSHIPS as a priority, including developing the links between homes, churches and schools, rather than working independently in silos
Investing in RHYTHMS which bring regularity and a deeper participation in the church seasons, as a way of going deeper than one-off events and resources
A shared PURPOSE which contributes visibly to God’s kingdom so that children and young people can see faith making an impact
Summary Report
Read a 2-page summary of the Growing Faith: Connections report with recommendations
Full Report
This report is based on a process of research and listening over 14 month & sets out some marks of emerging best practice in the current landscape.
Visual postcards with imaginative questions for to help schools, churches and households develop conversations around the Growing Faith vision
Watch our STORY FILMS Trailer
Story Film 1: Egham
Story Film 2: Peterborough
Story Film 3: Coventry
Recorded on 10th MARCH 2023
The Growing Faith: Connections team hosted a webinar in March 2023 to share the learnings from the project.
The webinar was open to practitioners, church leaders, youth, children & family workers, school governors, headteachers, parents, Bishop’s - anyone over 18 who was interested in finding out more. There was a chance to explore some of the research, hear some stories, examine some principles and reflect on individual contexts.
We finished with some Q&A with some of the Growing Faith Foundation team and signposted some about ways to connect with the developing Growing Faith vision in 2023 and beyond.
The Project Team
Further information
Growing Faith is the movement that exists to put children, young people and families instinctively at the heart of all the mission and ministry of the Church by changing the culture of the Church of England. You can read more on the Growing Faith Foundation website
The team are all ordained clergy who have been taking part in the Church of England Strategic Leadership Programme from 2021-2023. You can read more about the SLDP here.
Please contact members of the Growing Faith team using the contact details at the bottom of this page on the Church of England website.
As part of our project, we have considered a wide range of books, reports and websites which relate to the wider work of developing faith amongst children and young people across a variety of contexts and traditions. We haven’t been able to review or include all of them, but we offer them to you to explore.
The images, names, stories and personal information contained within this report and website have either given specific written consent to appear in the films or downloads, or are already in the public domain.
For the purposes of Data Protection, the Growing Faith: Connections report and related content is an academic research project of St Hild College.
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You can contact Rachel McLafferty with a subject access data request or removal request here.